Friday 27 February 2015

The Best Imaging you can get….

That pain you have been having in your chest, or is it that pain on your knees whenever you stand up, maybe it is that bizarre growth in your toe,these are all valid reasons for visiting a health facility .
The imaging services at The Karen Hospital will blow you away! For a fee,of course, you can have your body scanned sufficiently to get the best results. No guess work, no assumptions! The scan will tell all you need to know about your internal body.
You do not need extreme injuries to walk into the health facility and get expert imaging, doctors recommend that you get a check at least once a year to ensure that you stay healthy. Athletes can pay a visit to the department after sustaining minor or major injuries in order to get the right kind of treatment. With a state of the art 3 Tesla Digital Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI) scanner that uses magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images, the radiologists team at The Karen Hospital comprises of experienced specialists that are able to give you clearer, more precise and accurate readings and interpretations of the perfect images produced.

State-of-the-art 3 Tesla Digital MRI

Do not wait until it is too late, visit The Karen Hospital, and get the right service.

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